C did a great job with this photo yesterday. I have been a bit recalcitrant in posting monthly updates and have 5 month professional family portraits still waiting to be posted.
Kate is 7 months old today. At her 6.5 month check-up, she was 19 lbs, 11 ozs (94th percentile) and 27 1/4" long (88th percentile). She started cutting her first tooth (bottom front) last week, which explained her recent night owl activities.
She is attending a bi-weekly play group in Lansing with her Daddy and other stay at home parents we met on the Lansing Moms Like Me site. We also signed up for a weekly swimming lesson at the local YMCA, but she has not been enjoying it (possibly due to the cooler water temperature than expected.) We left after 5 minutes last week during "Simon Says" in complete meltdown mode.
She is not yet crawling but pivoting and rolling around the room rapidly like a chubby bowling pin. She also pulls herself to a standing position with assistance and is able to briefly stand on her own while holding onto furniture. The nurses guessed that she would be walking by 9 months.
She now takes her baths in the big tub surrounded by toys and has eaten carrots (loves), green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, peaches, applesauce (loves), and prunes (loves--great!) She is not a fan of sweet peas.
In comparing her growth and activities to my own (thanks, Mom, for maintaining a baby calendar), we grew at about the same pace, but I was startled to see that the pediatrician back then had my Mom starting me on solids at 1 month old! I did not respond well, so that was delayed for a few more months, thankfully.