Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!

Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to us! What a year together it has been. C surprised me at work today with pink daisies and lavender tulips, and we went to lunch together as a family. We will not get to see much of each other tonight, as C has orchestra rehearsal. Fortunately, we already had our fancy night out 2 weeks ago at a steakhouse at the MGM Grand, Detroit while my Grandma Rosalie and Aunt Elaine babysat Kate.

I love you, Sweetheart! I remain grateful that you chose me.

Monday, April 20, 2009

8 months old!

Our little girl is 8 months old. Last week, she began crawling forward and gaining more independence. So far, she is a vegetarian, as she gags on the pureed meats. Based on the way they smell, I would, too. However, she loves rice cereal or oatmeal mixed with pureed fruits.

She constantly scans the room with her curious eyes and enjoys being in new places with new people. When comfortable, she displays her budding linguistic skills with all sorts of babbles, laughs, grunts and squeals. She circulated happily at Easter dinner in her poofy, pretty party dress.

Yesterday, we went to a Lamb Festival on a local farm, and she observed the scene seriously and quietly not sure what to make of all the "maaaaas." Soon after her tour of the barn, she fell fast asleep in her stroller.

She uses her hands in a raking manner and adeptly picks up her pacifier and places it back in her mouth when it falls out. She is also loving "Peek-a-Boo," the "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and "Pat-a-Cake" in addition to nearly any other song. She laughs with joy when sung "You are my Sunshine" and is starting to enjoy storytime more and more--especially rhyming books like Dr. Seuss or Mother Goose.

We visited her Gram and Uncle Bill in Virginia and DC in late March. Unfortunately, she had her first stomach virus her first few nights there while staying at a friend's house. Fortunately, they have a 3-year-old daughter, a scotch-guarded couch and some Pedialyte. A few days later, C also got violently ill for one day, followed by Gram and me with less symptoms. Kate had a blast playing with 3-year-old Ivy who could not stop hugging and kissing her (photos on C's camera.) She also enjoyed all of the one-on-one time with her Gram who played with and sang to her tons.

She is starting to say "Dada" and "Mama" more frequently and sometimes with apparent meaning--sometimes not (C claims that she called the cat, her toys and most other objects "Mama.") We cannot wait to see what her 9th month will bring....