On Dada's first Father's Day, she helped him open his gifts and presented him with this poem:
Thank you, Dada
for cleaning my poo
like you so often do,
for playing me Dvorak, Beethoven and ZZ Top—
they rock!
Thank you, Dada
for taking me out to play
or just finger painting on a rainy day,
for tossing me up in the air
and blowing raspberries to show you care.
Thank you, Dada
for carrying me on your shoulders so high
that I nearly touch the sky,
for knowing just how to clip my nails
and tickle my toes.
But not everybody knows
that you hold me when I cannot sleep
and soothe my tears when I weep.
You bathe, burp and feed,
adeptly caring for my every need.
You teach me--
to talk,
to walk,
to laugh,
to gently love animals (whether Roxy, Kanu or a baby calf),
to eat healthy foods,
to not be rude,
to trust and let go,
and to watch a garden grow.
And so I wanted to say thank you, Dada,
for showing me the way
on this your first Father’s Day.