Kate turned 11 months old on Sunday and visited her great aunts, cousins, Great-Grandma Rosalie and Grandparents. We decided to put her in one of my old dresses and bonnets. I thought this was a great effect, even though the dress is still a bit big on her. Bonnets are the shiznit!
Kate also took her first major steps towards walking full time last night--5 steps in a row towards Dada to be exact. Because her Uncle Trey is staying with us, he got to witness this important event first hand. The photo to the left depicts the actual steps.
Last week while all 3 of us enjoyed some ice cream at the shop downtown, Kate spotted a local police officer in full uniform standing in line for ice cream. Admiring his impressive ensemble, she quickly made eye contact with him and proceeded to beckon him towards her using her index finger. He slowly saddled up alongside her and gave her a police badge sticker. She was thrilled, and we were amazed at her behavior. This was the first time we saw her do that.
Lately, besides the walking thing and gaining 4 additional top front teeth, she thrives on gaining the attention of strangers and everyone in a given room by laughing loudly and hysterically or engaging in other similar hijinx. I dare anyone not to smile in response to such enthusiasm. She is such a happy girl.