So, this is our daughter and only child at one day old shot by my husband exactly eight weeks ago. We affectionately refer to her as the "Kate Monster," not because she resembles a monster (whatever that means), but because I relaxed into a final decision to name her Katherine and call her "Kate" while watching the character of the same name perform in Avenue Q, http://www.avenueq.com/about.html, the musical, in celebration of our first wedding anniversary. At that point, Kate was still snug within the confines of my four month pregnant uterus sippin' that amniotic fluid, making me nauseous and noxiously gaseous. (I will seek retribution later in her life by passing gas in her general direction. This will teach her to be a proper lady like me.)
Katherine was also one of my husband's favorite great aunt's names and on my lengthy list of potential girls' names that my husband narrowed down to two. Who knew agreeing on a name would take such effort? Her middle name, Rose, is an iteration of my maternal Grandmother's name and her mother's Armenian name, "Sirvart," which translates to "love rose." We recently discovered that the name combination is rather common in that the owner of a local eatery has it, along with a work friend's dog. Hmmmm....I am sure she will express her uniqueness in other ways. Or we could rename her Kumquat.
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