Kate was a "Kate Monster" for Halloween this year. She attended a Working Mom's Play Group Halloween party in E. Lansing earlier in the day and then went to a few of her friends' houses trick-or-treating before helping Dada pass out candy. Unfortunately, it was rather cold and windy that evening, so she had to come inside early. When she did, she promptly dumped out her candy and tried to open the wrappers. She loudly exclaimed "mmmmmm!" when we gave her a few bites of a plain milk chocolate Hershey's bar. She also cried between bites.
Her Gram visited in early October and helped us pick out a pumpkin at Uncle John's Cider Mill and pumpkin patch. Kate did not so much enjoy the bonus Elvis impersonator, though. Gram also helped C paint a gigantic wooden witch for our front porch to go along with the birds, black cat, spider web and other various and sundry Halloween decorations.
Kate turned 15 months old on 11/19. She measured 32 inches tall (90th percentile) and 25 lbs., 4 ozs (83rd percentile.) Thank goodness we were able to get her both doses of the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccine, as well.
We all visited Papa Tom, Granny and family over Thanksgiving to celebrate Christmas with the extended family. Kate had a great time playing with her aunts, uncles and cousins but was exhausted from all the excitement. She received so many thoughtful gifts, including The Wizard of Oz, clothes, gold glitter high tops, a pink snowsuit, footed PJs, boots and board books. It was also nice for her to spend time with her Great-Grandma Jo, who is recovering from a second abdominal surgery following the removal of colon cancer over a year ago.
Kate is walking and running, saying a few words ("Hi," "Yeah" or "da," "'nana," "s'that?" "mama" and "dada." She also signs "milk," "hungry," "all done" and "more." Her favorite things to do include flipping through board books, having them read to her one right after another and playing "I'm gonna get you!"
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