Kate turned 19 months old on Friday. I am a little behind on posting her 18 month happenings. At 18 months, she was 27 lbs (85%) and 33 3/4 inches long (96%). She seems to be learning a new word or phrase every day. She says "What's that?" constantly and sometimes adds "over there" to her phrase. She also says "I see that!" We taught her to make animal sounds for cow, sheep, owl, dog, cat, lion and others I know I am forgetting. She says "up" whether she wants to be picked up or to get down. And she points to most of her body parts in response to us naming them: Head, hair, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, feet, belly, hand, etc. She often claps to congratulate herself afterward. She continues to love books--whether it be having them read to her or sitting quietly while she thumbs through them herself and pretends to read. She added a few dance moves and now looks like a Kate Monster when she dances. But she dances to her own beat! Since the weather improved, all she wants to do is go outside on the deck, walk around the neighborhood, go to the park or ride on the back of Dada's bike. When I arrive home from work, she grabs my hand and leads me to the front door for our next adventure. Love her!!

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