Kate submitted to her 2-year check up today and passed with flying colors. And, according to Daddy, she was very brave when receiving 3 shots. She likes to wear other peoples' shoes whenever possible and finds it particularly challenging to balance in Mommy's 3 inch heels.
She is 35.5 inches tall (85%) and 29 lbs, 3 ozs (77%) with a head circumference in the 89th percentile to house her gigantic brain. Lately, besides trying on shoes, she likes to attempt to count and say the alphabet, babble a constant stream to us, the cats or anyone else who will listen to a dimpled toddler who likes to use hand gestures and laugh at her own nonsensical stories. She now says, "I love you, too," instead of the less satisfying "I love you, Daddy."
She picks up anything that resembles a phone and commences imaginary conversations where she says the following: "Hi. How're you? Fine. OK. OK. Um. Uh-huh. OK. Bye!" When a particularly catchy commercial comes on, or she is watching her beloved "Doo-Doo-Doo Dora" or "The Backyardigans," she declares: "I dance!" much like Mike Meyers did on the SNL skit "Sprokets." Occasionally, she also offers: "Mommy dance?!" What proceeds can only be described as the Energizer Bunny of dancing.
It seems that as soon as she turned 2, she also immediately became more willful and combative in an attempt to assert her opinion and independence. I am glad for her sass in some ways and realize that this is only the beginning of our battles. She no longer goes to bed without an argument. But she is also using a fork and a spoon without assistance and going pee-pee on the potty after only 2 weeks of attempts. And she is a perfect angel when a guest at someone else's house.
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