Welcome friends. This is late, and so are our Christmas cards that just went in the mail box. That is just how we roll.
I keep saying that, “I love this age,” and then Kate grows older, and I say, “no, really. I really love this age.” Kate is now 28 months old, and I really love this age. This summer and fall, we did lots of traveling and memory creating. Kate is babbling incessantly (much to the chagrin of her daddy who can’t seem to avoid constant babbling from the women in his life) and making more and more sense. She sings the ABC song but skips the "L, M, N, O" section. She identifies letters and other items on posters, signs and billboards, which makes car trips a bit more entertaining. The other day in the car, she stated with thoughtful reflection: “Mama, I love to dance.” This is quite true. She also recently commented (with some coaching): “Mama is a goofball.” This is also true.
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Auntie Brittany taught her this, and it stuck. |
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Everything that remotely resembles a phone now becomes one. |
Toddler Kate-isms 2010 Edition
DADDY: (Pointing to one on front lawn) This is a dandelion.
KATE: (Hearing “Dandy Lion”) Roarrrr!
While reading a book about a pet dragon named Custard, I asked Kate if she had a pet dragon. She said she did. Surprised, I asked what her pet dragon's name was, and she replied: "Kate Dragon." She now adds “Kate” before every type of “pet” animal she acquires.
Obligatory Strange Health Problem
In February, I suffered from what looked like a flesh-eating virus. What started out as a suspected sinus infection spread across my face as a painful, hot redness. Chris urged me to go to urgent care, and they were alarmed and unsure what was going on. After visiting urgent care and my primary doctor 4 times, we determined that it was cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection. I received antibiotic injections and Prednisone that kicked it and the nagging pain in my pelvic joint since Sept. '09.
Later that month, at age 34, I also finally had my bottom 2 wisdom teeth surgically extracted. People thought I was nuts to do it without sedation, but honestly, if I can endure a C-section without being put under, a bit of pain in my mouth post-surgery is not a problem. The oral surgeon was so relaxed and talked with me throughout the procedure. And, despite the ominous introductory DVD they show you before the procedure warning of possible loss of taste and tongue sensations, recovery was swift with no complications.
My primary doctor also put me on BP medication. While Zumba-ing, I almost fainted. Fortunately, she listened to me and halved my dose. I hope to eliminate it altogether through weight loss, a healthy diet and exercise.
In April, we attended "Operation Extreme Egg Drop" at a local church. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a bunch of plastic eggs filled with candy are dropped from a helicopter in a field. This is a competitive sport and not for the weak or small! Unfortunately, Kate and I were not aggressive enough compared with the other under 3 set. We only recovered empty plastic shells. She had more luck at an egg hunt organized by a member of our working mom's play group a few weeks later. Thanks, Belen and Rich!
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Before we dropped Kate off at her Nana's house |
Iridescent Anniversary (and an Engagement)
We celebrated our 3rd anniversary in grand fashion by attending Detroit Restaurant Week and dining at Iridescence atop the Motor City Casino. Chris ordered a 5 course tasting menu, and we were delighted with everything we tasted from top to bottom. It was also our first experience with controversial foie gras (stuffed duck liver.) Earlier that day, we had our first Chuck 'e Cheese experience. It was quite a juxtaposition.
Even more important than the news of Prince William’s recent engagement, my sister, Brittany, and her fabulous long time boyfriend, Josh, got engaged on Easter weekend. We are so excited for them. Their nuptials are scheduled for June 2012 after she finishes her engineering degree at Michigan Tech. I am so proud of her! Kate will be their flower girl, I a bridesmaid and Chris will be their photographer.
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Congrats, Brit & Josh! |
In June, we took a junket to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island as a family for my professional leadership conference. We had 5 course dinners at the hotel but usually only made it to the 4th course before Kate would announce "all done!" and demand to leave immediately. This helped my diet. She also rocked it out with the band during dinner to the amusement of the extremely attentive staff. One of the strangely almost all Jamaican waiters asked her, "So, what's your name, sweetie?" Kate's response: "Me." Of course.
That same month, Chris finished our backyard storage shed with materials gifted by his Mom and brother. It turned out wonderfully with the assistance of our neighbor and friend, Mike. He also stained the deck a color that complemented the house and shed and planted even more colorful flowers and fruits and vegetables.

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At the water park |
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Playing with her friend Gretchen at a Minneapolis Public beach |
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Kate and her friend Ty on Pine Lake in Michigan |
Just before Labor Day, Kate and I attempted to eek out the last gasp of summer by spending an afternoon at our friend’s parents’ Lake House on Pine Lake. We shared good grilling food, water toys and watched 2-year-olds discover burying their feet in the sand and filling and dumping sand from buckets and dump trucks. Kate and Dora were explorers. During our “fast boat ride,” Kate and Ty excitedly pointed out the colorful buoys (AKA “boobies” in toddler speak.) Onya and I surprised each other when we pulled off our shirts to reveal the exact same swim suit top with different bottoms we recently purchased separately.
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Onya and me - The Kohl's Catalog |
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Kate and Dora - the Explorers |
We made our ritual trip to Manitowoc, WI over Labor Day Weekend to see the Abler Family. As usual, it was full of laughter and hijinx. The kids had fun, too. We attended a kite festival along Lake Michigan. We went to a science museum and out for sushi in Milwaukee. And we went to Sam’s Club for some ahi tuna. This is what happens when scientists, toddlers and foodies collide.
Chris - The Rock Star!
In August, Chris volunteered to fill out a strings section with a Grand Rapids-based indie rock band called The Bowery for their concert at the Frederick Meijer Gardens. Kate and I attended their first rehearsal, and Kate was in heaven - live rock band accompanied by strings in a cramped warehouse space in Grand Rapids (check.) Random drums and other equipment to play while waiting (check.) She danced and smiled and banged the drums and then just sat leaning against me looking up into my eyes periodically with a look of pure joy and a "thank you, mama." We also attended the actual concert with a large group of friends – old and new. Kate was the Energizer Bunny of dancing and almost tried to rush the stage.
Kate Monster Turns Terrible Two
The weekend before her actual birthday, we threw Kate a close family only 2nd birthday party at our house. Chris spent hours smoking and pulling pork prepared Carolina style and BBQ style. It was the perfect number of people – just grandparents and first aunts and uncles.
9/1/10 – marked Kate’s first pee pee on the potty. She did this on demand for 2 weeks and then stopped without explanation. However, she still avidly reads about Prudence and her potty adventures and requests a “new diapy” when she poops. Sigh. We will try again later, perhaps using our friends’, Clay and Onya’s potty party and boot camp method.
Smart Phone?
OK; it's not an iPad, but this fall, we broke down and purchased first generation Droid smart phones. Once I got over the additional $30/month data plan cost, I loved the convenience and on-the-go functionality. However, I refuse to pay the additional cost of unlimited texts, since we can now email each other freely. So, if I do not respond to your texts, that is why.
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Down with Fear, Up with Sanity! |
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The two cutest ralliers |
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Kate and her Gram |
Over Halloween weekend, we journeyed to DC to visit Chris’s Mom and Brother and to attend the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” on the capitol mall. We also felt badly about missing the prior “Restoring Honor” rally hosted by our favorite (cough) TV personality, Glenn Beck. It was surreal and remarkable. One group protested abortion rights dressed like pink elephants, and a baby boomer feminist shouted “we love it!” at them. “Tolerance” and “free speech” ruled the day. I felt very patriotic and American bringing my family to witness the event. We were perhaps the most entertained by the creative homemade “protest” signs. Some of our favorites: “I masturbate to Christine O’Donnell.” (BTW, she told me that she is NOT a witch), “My political views cannot be summed up in a pithy sign.” “Yes, we can disagree without demonizing.”
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Kate met her best buddy "Jappers" (with Uncle Bill) |
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"I love you, Jappers." |
We spent Thanksgiving in Virginia Beach with Kate’s Gram and Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill bought Kate her very own stuffed “Jappers” dog in homage to his actual dog “Jasper,” who Kate adores. She had fun following everyone to the bathroom with the same plaintive inquiry outside the closed door: “Come in?”
One Saturday evening (12/4/10), I explained to Kate that she used to live in my belly when she was very little. She was transfixed. I also asked her if she wants to be a big sister some day and further explained that her little brother or sister would also live in my belly for a while. I’m quite sure that she imagined some kind of alien pod-like scenario and thinks I am a loon. The next morning, while clutching her own baby doll, she pointed to my belly and stated: “Baby in there.” Yeah. Not so much.
Kate and I attended her daddy’s Christmas concert with the Mason Philharmonic and Symphony orchestras along with good friend Lori. Chris was the Concertmaster, and when he came out to tune the orchestra, Kate clapped enthusiastically and shouted: “I love you, Daddy!” She proceeded to ignore my many efforts to keep her occupied, including new coloring books, books and snacks and decided she would help to conduct the orchestra and dance. At the end of the concert, she again clapped enthusiastically and hollered “More violin!” That’s our girl.
Later in December, I helped organize and host a professional luncheon event for about 110 people. It was like planning a wedding – complete with late RSVPs, concerns over the guest count, etc.
Beast in the Kitchen

We dined at our friends Chris and Melissa’s house close to the holidays. Kate got to hold and pet a 16 lb domesticated rabbit, chase a big dog and ride on a real, live horse. What a pleasure to sit in a room in front of a roaring natural fire and a lit Christmas tree chatting with good friends! I think Kate had a bit of crush on Sgt. Chris, even though he was not wearing his police uniform at the time.
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Melissa holds bunny |
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Chris, Melissa and Kate |
We spent the Christmas holidays in Michigan this year with the Torossian and Breitmeyer clans. It also allowed us some time with close friends in town from NY and CA. Kate received an animated rocking horse with sound effects from her Papa and Granny. After overcoming her initial mild fear, she named him “Number Two.” Poor thing shares a name with poo. She frequently asks to wear her gigantic, multi-colored tutu from them, as well. Coupled with her new, fancy dress-up box heels, her look is complete. And she never puts down her new laptop that allows her to send and receive real e-mail and create music playlists from her Grandma CeCe. And I think Chris is going to take a hit out on my Mom for buying her a keyboard that plays a variety of tunes. It is rarely ever off, and Kate sings along with it. My Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry received one particularly annoying toy back from Chris over Christmas, complete with poem he read aloud explaining why - namely, the lack of an off switch.
On our way home from Papa and Granny's house, we picked up our diabetic cat, Roxy, who was boarded at her vet's office. Unlike most dogs, she is not fond of car rides and yowls the entire way home. As she commenced her yowls this time, Kate comforted her with: "Sorry, Roxy. Almost home!"
On our way home from Papa and Granny's house, we picked up our diabetic cat, Roxy, who was boarded at her vet's office. Unlike most dogs, she is not fond of car rides and yowls the entire way home. As she commenced her yowls this time, Kate comforted her with: "Sorry, Roxy. Almost home!"
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Kate asks to wear her tutu every other day. Note also the dress up heels. |
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Kate was unsure of Santa but would talk to him and accept a candy cane. |
2010 in the "News" Random Rundown
JetBlue employee, Steven Slater, swore at a customer, tossed back a few beers and exited via an ER chute while on the airport runway in JFK Airport. I admit that I've felt like this at work before, but I did not tell the citizen, co-worker or opposing party to "F" off, drink from a flask in my briefcase and jump out of my second floor office window. Doing that just does not have the desired dramatic effect and probably would not warrant the creation of a Wikipedia site in its honor.
Actor Jeremy London, a recovering addict and actor, claimed to have been kidnapped and forced to do drugs by unnamed assailants. I’m going to use that excuse the next time I go on a bender.
Frankly, Heidi Montag's post-operative boobs scare me. 10 plastic surgeries in one day? Is this what a Barbie doll would look like in real life? Maybe her husband, Spencer, lacks anatomically correct parts, as well. And I like one web site's suggestion that maybe what she really needed was a head transplant.
Kevin Smith, Director of cult hit “Clerks,” was deemed "too fat to fly" by Southwest Airlines, who may not charge extra for bags, but maybe should work a bit on customer service. He quipped that they picked on the "wrong sedentary, processed-foods eater!" Indeed.
And Mel Gibson. What can I say, man? You are one crazy MF. Let this be a lesson to all of us to not hire Tiger Woods’s or Mel Gibson’s publicists.
After a tumultuous year in which it was revealed that her husband fathered a child with another woman, we experienced the sad loss of Elizabeth Edwards on 12/7/10, at age 61 to cancer. RIP, you smart, kind and classy lady.
I am hoping Julian Assange, founder of whistleblower website Wikileaks, has been unable to access my teenage journals. I might get grounded retroactively.
I think we should require the BP oil executives and other company executives responsible for the explosion and spill to bathe in oil for three months - the duration of the oil spill in 2010.
In November, we elected a new Michigan Governor, a "tough nerd," JD, venture capitalist and accountant with no government experience. We changed our letterhead at work with hope. Nationally, Pelosi is no longer Madam Speaker, and the Senate has more Republicans just in time for redistricting. Then, President Obama and the lame duck Congress passed a slew of productive and important legislation before the close of the session. Way to go?
TSA began offering airline passengers the choice between full body scans or intimate pat downs at US airports. At least we get to decide how we want our privacy to be invaded by strangers for the sake of a false sense of security. Do not believe the guy offering you a grocery cart when he tells you that you must remove your bra and shirt before entering your local Walmart. Take it from me - it is not legit.
88-year-old Betty White made a freakin’ awesome SNL host. Why did Facebook not think of this before?
And my husband’s favorite trivia question answer and punchline, Gary Coleman, died in May at the age of 42. Wait for it..."Whatchyou talkin' 'bout, Willis?"
One drawback to the high profile, miraculous rescue of the Chilean miners – the captive with one wife and one mistress – who, previously unknown to his wife, showed up to a prayer vigil before his rescue. To make matters worse, he invited both to observe his rescue. Perhaps staying in the mine would have been safer.
OK; and falling under the WTH category: The Shake Weight. I cannot watch the demo in the commercial without laughing like a middle schooler. I do not see how one can be taken seriously while giving a hand job to an exercise device. A close second is the Trojan vibrator commercial with testimonials from satisfied women customers and their impressed fiancés that are airing at 8 o’clock at night.
On that note, we wish you and your family a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year. We hope that you, too, were blowing your Vuvuzelas at the strike of midnight. Dance like no one is watching, or like you are a 2-year-old (video shot by my best friend, Shanti, on 12/23/10):
On that note, we wish you and your family a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year. We hope that you, too, were blowing your Vuvuzelas at the strike of midnight. Dance like no one is watching, or like you are a 2-year-old (video shot by my best friend, Shanti, on 12/23/10):
nice blog, gang :) sad, that in today's age you actually need a disclaimer at the top of your family blog, but it is what it is, lol. i also like the pic where chris b. is smiling for the camera and his better half is eyeing your child. i'm gonna have to tease chris about this, of course (that guy need a kid, lol!) later gator...
Is that baby-sign language I see? Keep up the good work Kate! Paloma got a Belle dress for her sucess in the loo. You too can do it.
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