Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stir it Up Michelle Obama!

Leslie Morgan Steiner, a former writer for the on line version of the Washington Post, offers this interesting commentary about the possibilities for our new First Lady of Color: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/11/24/steiner.michelle.obama/index.html. Whether you stand at the right, left or center of the aisle, you must admit that she is right about the Bush ladies fading into the background. For goodness sake, controversy and expressing one's opinions will not kill a person. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what issues Ms. Obama chooses to speak up about. And being a recently inducted working mother, I would also like to see her tackle work/life balance issues and work on getting our family and medical leave laws changed to require paid leave for a period of time that rivals other industrialized countries. Perhaps I should start a new blog entry on that issue alone?


Anonymous said...

re: work/life balance and paid leave....AMEN. Sing it, lady!

I'd love to read your thoughts in a separate entry, if you are up to it!

Kim Dana said...

Thanks, Becky. I will work on a more detailed posting soon. I had no idea about the other countries' policies, until I took maternity leave myself.